
8 Tips for Maintaining Used Fitness Equipment

 |  Brett Labistour
Fitness equipment is expensive. For a gym owner, it's their bread and butter. Fitness is also a craze that isn't going away anytime soon. Especially with obesity rates rising in the United States. Everyone from housewives to the NY Yankees needs to work out. So it's vitally important to maintain your machines. Used fitness equipment needs to stay in good working shape. It keeps clients coming back time and again. Well maintain working equipment also keeps clients safe. Safety becomes an even more important factor with used equipment. So here are eight ways to maintain used fitness equipment.

1. Incorporate a Daily Cleaning Routine

Let's face it, at the end of the day, there's going to be a lot of sweat and body oil left on used fitness equipment. While most owners post signs and have rules for members to clean the equipment after each use, it's pretty much a guarantee that some of them won't bother. But sweat and oils cause the equipment to smell funny. Those same sweat and oils can also work to break down the finish. If left on the machines too long, they become corrosive. Some people will try to use the wrong type of wipes on the equipment. If that happens, it may cause damage. So clean and wipe down everything to keep the equipment in good working shape. Regular cleaning will also cut down on that unpleasant gym smell. Wipe down wherever anyone who has used the machines has touched the machines. Start by wiping the frames and the other powder coated surfaces down with a damp cloth. Mix water and mild dish soap together if more cleaning is needed. Don't forget to dry the frame with a clean, dry cloth to prevent corrosion or rust from forming. Soap and warm water with a damp cloth will work to clean the upholstery. Wipe the residue away with another damp cloth and then dry with a soft cloth.

2. Check Weekly for Physical Damage

Used fitness equipment is more prone to physical damage. It's a smart idea to do a weekly check to ensure everything is in proper working order. Check the machines for cracks in the shroud. Then check for frayed cables. Next, check for loose parts and fix them immediately. Take non-working machines out of commission until they've been fixed properly. Ignoring a problem can injure clients. Sometimes the purchased equipment has been shipped from overseas. In that instance, make sure that proper care was taken before, during, and after the shipping process. Otherwise, the equipment might arrive damaged.

3. Oil the Machines

Moving parts in used fitness equipment will require lubrication. Perform this on a monthly basis. The best way to do this is to spray silicone onto a clean rag. Then apply it to the weight tracks in the resistance equipment. Spray should also be applied to the bearings. After applying the spray, move the bearings to make sure they are moving freely. Cardiovascular machines like treadmills are self-lubricating. But that doesn't mean they don't require care. Check their oil reservoirs each month. Then fill them up according to their manufacturer's instructions. Lubricate any squeaking belts that are squeaking. Then check the other machines to grease or lubricate them.

4. Test the Pins in the Weight Machines

The selectorized weight machines in used fitness equipment have pins in them. Test them by placing the pins in each weight section to ensure they're moving up and down smoothly. If they aren't running smoothly, it's best to immediate figure out where the problem is and fix it. Otherwise, there could be safety problems.

5. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals on the Used Fitness Equipment

Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals. They emit a strong smelling odor that most people find unpleasant. Some people are also allergic to these types of chemicals. But it's not just humans they won't react well to these chemicals. Harsh chemicals damage the powder coating. They also dry out upholstery. Chemicals to be avoided are ammonia, solvents, acetone, lacquer thinners, Windex, 409, and other similar cleaners found on the market. Also to be avoided are abrasive materials like steel wool and hard bristle brushes. They can scratch surfaces. Usually, warm water and light dish soap work well for most machines. Try using an organic dish soap to avoid problems with sensitive clients.

6. Check the Cardiovascular Machines

Certain used fitness equipment like cardiovascular machines have parts that can become loose. If that happens, it could cause serious injury to anyone using the machine. Also, check to make sure that these machines aren't making excessive noises. If detected, either problem, fix them immediately. Electronic features on the cardiovascular machines can break down. Make sure to test these machines on a monthly basis.

7. Maintain Adjustable Barbells

It's not enough to wipe down the adjustable barbells. Dirt and dead skin are the obvious problems. However, there's also rust and lifting chalk that can collect in the barbell's curling. To maintain adjustable barbells properly, use a wire brush to scrape them clean. Do this on a weekly basis. Then oil the bearings once a month to keep the sleeve spinning freely.

8. Make Sure All Weights are Securely Attached

Regular people working out and so do celebrities like bikini model, Amanda Latona. They need to be able to trust that the machines and equipment they use are safe. A major problem could arise if the weights in the barbells and dumbbells are not properly attached. To ensure clients can continue to use both of these pieces of equipment securely, check them once a week.

Stay Informed

With the right information, it's easy to keep and maintain used fitness equipment for many years to come. So keep coming back to our blog to read about the latest news in fitness equipment.

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